New Features, Greater Possibility
- New Features, Greater Possibility
- 2015-02-24T12:00:00-05:00
- 2015-02-24T13:00:00-05:00
- In this lunchtime session, participants will discover the many new features that has released in the last year.
- When Feb 24, 2015 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (US/Eastern / UTC-500)
- Add event to calendar iCal
While may be best known for its library of video tutorials (so many that you could watch their content for a year straight and never see the same video twice!), it is also well-known for its steady-stream of new features that keeps it on the cutting edge of online resources. In this lunchtime session, participants will discover the many new features that has released in the last year—from advanced and customizable playlist features to curated playlists and learning matrices. We’ll highlight tips for using the these new features and (as is free to all Penn State students, faculty, and staff) explore how they can be incorporated into classroom pedagogy and used to facilitate student learning in new ways. Plus, we will share information about the assessment feature that is currently in development for and give you an opportunity to provide input that we’ll bring back to the development team! Above all, we’ll be available to answer any and all questions you might have, so please feel free to come with as many questions as you would like.
Trainers: Nathan Culmer and Jen Montminy