How to Add an Event to The RIIT Group Calendar
Information on how to add an event to the RIIT Group calendar.
- Log into the CMS using your Penn State user ID and password.
- Click on the Calendar link on the home page.
- Click Add New in the green bar.
- Choose Event.
- Add a Title.
- Add a Description.
- Add an Event Location as needed.
- Choose when the event starts.
- Choose when the event ends.
- Add additional content in the Event body text area using the same styling as for a page.
- Add an Event URL as needed.
- Add a Contact Name as needed.
- Add a Contact E-mail address as needed.
- Add a Contact Phone as needed.
- When complete, click save.
Always remember, if you are unsure of something, you can always look at another event to see how it was done.