Research Instruction & Information Technology Group

Instructions for Room 217

217 Conference Room Instructions

Conference Room 217 is equip with an A/V equipment control panel inside the credenza cabinet, two data projectors and two screens, and a pair of wireless conference phones in addition to the mobile furniture layout with 40 chairs.


Contact Technical Assistance

Call the RIIT Group 814-865-0366 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday if you are experiencing problems with the equipment or a presentation.

Info: Equipment needed during an event may be requested by calling the RIIT Group between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Request equipment or staff support in advance using (select tab “Resources”) or e-mail

Introduction to Audio/Video

Conference room 217 presentation system consists of two ceiling data projectors, two projection screens, document camera, presentation equipment rack and a Control Touch Panel (Figure 3) from which all presentations are controlled. The presentation equipment is located inside the conference room Credenza cabinets and contains a DVD/VCR player, the Tandberg video-conference (Figure 4) and the Document Camera (Figure 5). In order to access the Control Touch Panel, please open the side door of the shorter Credenza (labeled accordingly – between the two Credenzas) – see Figure 5

In addition, the conference room also contains video/audio and PC/audio input connections located inside the LEFT and RIGHT FLOORBOXES of the room (see Figure 7) and on the WALL PLATE (see Figure 8) in the conference room. 

Presentation Setup

1)    Connect External Devices

Before powering on the system, connect all external devices to be used, such as a laptop, portable video player or document camera, to either the wall mounted input plate or the floor box connections. Please see Figure 8 and Figure 9.

You may use the cables provided inside the Credenza cabinet
(see labeled door – Figure 10)

The cables provided are:

- VGA cables for the laptop projection (blue ends); we provided 2 different lengths based on the request toward the furniture layout for the class/meeting presentation:

    - 15 ft. long - used most of the time for connectivity from the floor boxes

    -   7 ft. long - used most of the time for connectivity from the wall plate

- Audio cables for the sound presentation

- Power strip to power on your presentation source (laptop, portable media device, etc.)

- Network cable to use for Mobility Internet connection

2)    Power ON the AV System

Touching on the Touch Screen interface - notice “Touch Screen to Begin” will set up the room for presentation, see Figure 11

The following actions will automatically take place:

  1. The projectors will power on.
  2. The projection screens will come down.
  3. The equipment rack will power on.


After these events occur, the system is ready for presentation.

Once the system is up and running, the next step for any presentation is to select

“Media Presentation” option from the Touch Screen menu options – see Figure 12

3)    Select the Source for Display

After “Media Presentation” option was selected, the “Main Media Presentation Sources” page will be displayed on the Touch Screen – see figure 13      

On the “Main Media Presentation Sources” page, please select one of the eight source selection buttons to send the desired source to the projector – see Figure 14

If the source doesn’t show up right away, try switching to another source then back to the one you want.


If the source selected is DVD or VCR, use the “DVD & VCR Control” (Figure 15) on the Touch Panel page to control the playback of the DVD or VCR. 


In case of Dual Screen presentation, for example: on one projection screen you choose to project a PowerPoint presentation and on the second projection screen you choose to project a document camera document, please touch Select Second Source button from the Main Presentation Sources page – see figure 16

After this step, you will have the The Secondary Presentation Sources page displayed on the Touch panel from which you can select the second projection source to be projected (please make sure your secondary source is ON and running) - see figure 17

Please note: secondary source will be displayed without audio functionality – ONLY Main Media Presentation Sources page will have audio capability

The ‘Display Mute’ button on the side of Touch Panel allows any source selected to be hidden from view of an audience on the projection screen. When the black screen option is selected, it will begin to flash BLUE; this is how you know it is ON.

The “Screen UP & DOWN” will allow you to put projection screens up and down in      case of an overhead projector presentation (without power on the system)

1)    Power OFF the AV system:

When finished presenting, please shut down the system by touching

 “Exit System button”   from the page you selected (lower right corner of every touch screen page). Confirm that you want to turn off the system by touching “System Shutdown” and choose “Yes” if you want the system off or “NO” if you still want to continue projectingsee figures 19 and 20.

Projection Troubleshooting Tips

  • PC (laptop) image does not appear on the projector screen: you need to send the signal from your laptop to the projector by holding the function (Fn) key and pressing the proper F# (Figure 4-1), depending on your laptop model. The following list may help:

Figure 4-1

Laptop Model Differences




Fn + F5


Fn + F8


Fn + F5

IBM ThinkPad

Fn + F7


Fn + F7


Fn + F5

After pressing the correct projection function, make sure you select the option that will show the presentation on projector AND laptop at the resolution 1024 x 768

In case that the image still doesn’t project, check the VGA cable connection and connector for broken pins.  Also, check to see that the source selected is correct (PC for laptop, VIDEO for external media devices, and DVD/VCR for the internal media combo).  If VGA cable is broken, or still cannot get image to project, please call the RIIT Group for immediate assistance at 814-865-0366.

Connect to Wi-Fi

Search for the network named

  • psuwirelesssetup - Click on link to get set up for Penn State Wireless.
  • psu - Login using PSU username and password.
  • attwifi - Using a Web browser enter any website address and then agree to the Terms of Service on the AT&T Wi-Fi connection page.

Important: Connecting to PSU Wireless requires installation of a wireless client on the device (except when using Windows 8 or above). Download the wireless client for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix/Linux at Download the wireless client for Apple iPhone/iPod Touch at and Android at

Make a Call

The wireless conference phone number for Conference Room 217 is 814-863-5747.

Wireless conference phone

Local calls require you to follow these steps.

  • Press ON and listen for the dial tone.
  • For dialing within the 814 area code: Dial 8 + 7-digit number.

Long distance calls require you to follow these steps.

  • Press ON and listen for the dial tone.
  • Enter the access code 175 and wait for the dial tone.
  • Enter your authorization code followed by the # sign and wait for the dial tone.
  • For dialing outside the 814 area code: Dial 8 + 1 + area code + 7-digit number.

Info: If you do not know your department authorization code, please contact the RIIT Group at 814-865-0366 for assistance.